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Since 1987 in the service of the enthusiasts

Since 1987 in the service of the enthusiasts

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Kits and plastic figures

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Kits and plastic figures

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AIRFIX set of figures " British 8th army 2nd WW " ( cement and paints not included)

10,00 €

HELLER set of figures " US AIR FORCE crew 2nd WW " ( cement and paints not included )

10,00 €

HELLER set of figures "British infantry 8th army 2nd WW " ( cement and paints not included)

10,00 €

HELLER set of figures "German infantry 2nd WW " ( cement and paints not included)

10,00 €

HELLER set of figures " US Infantry 2nd WW " ( cement and paints not included)

10,00 €

HELLER set of 50 plastic figures (unpainted) British Infantry 2nd WW (paints not included)

10,00 €

HELLER set of 50 plastic figures french army II WW (paints not included)

10,00 €

MINIART plastic kit "Figures soviet Infantry (at rest) 2nd WW" (cement and paints not included)

10,00 €

Noch Set XL of figures "Pee break"

10,00 €

NOCH set de figurines "Bustes monuments"

10,00 €

AIRFIX set of figures "British infantry 2nd WW" ( cement and paints not included )

10,00 €

REVELL plastic kit "Boeing 747-200 Air Canada" (cement and paints not included)

10,00 €

AIRFIX set of figures "Russian Infantry 2nd WW " (cement and paints not included )

10,00 €

NOCH "Alphorn players"

11,00 €

NOCH set of figures "At the Market"

11,00 €

NOCH set of figures "Shunters epoch III & IV"

11,00 €

NOCH boites de figurines "personnes ivres"(échelle N)

11,00 €

NOCH figurines "agents des chemins de fer"

11,00 €

WOODLAND SCENICS set of firemen to the rescue

12,00 €

NOCH set of figures "Barbecue party"

12,00 €