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Since 1987 in the service of the enthusiasts

Since 1987 in the service of the enthusiasts

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Paints, glues and accessories

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REVELL weathering set (6 special pigments for various effects)

18,00 €

REVELL MODELL SET + kit (all the tools needed to beginning plastic kit )

19,00 €

eau artificielle 250ml

21,00 €

NOCH terrain structure past "field and nature"

23,00 €

NOCH Terrain stucture pasta "Industry"

24,00 €

REVELL precision Scraper (high Quality)

24,00 €

NOCH set of 6 details markers (black/white/silver/yellow/red/brown)

24,00 €

REVELL precision cutter pro

24,00 €

NOCH set of Hard Foam DIY Slabs

25,00 €

25,00 €

AUHAGEN set de limes d'horloger (toutes formes et grande précision) (12 tools)

27,00 €

AUHAGEN jeu d'alésoirs de 0,6 a 2mm (6 tools)

34,00 €

REVELL MODEL COLOR set of authentic colors paints "RAF WWII" (8 flacons de 18ml)

36,00 €

REVELL MODEL COLOR set of authentic colours paints "Civilian aircraft" (8 flacons de 18ml)

36,00 €

NOCH ensemble de poudres de patine avec banc de mélange (7 couleurs +1 pot vide , pinceau et banc de mélange)

42,00 €

REVELL Basic set airbrush with compressor and accessories

159,00 €  129,00 €

NOCH Grass master 3.0 the benchmark when it comes to professionnal electrostatic flocking

170,00 €